Why I do what I do
I completely relate how overwhelming emotions and life’s direction can feel, but guess what? Change is not just a dream—it's absolutely possible!
In the past, I relied on heavy medication that numbed the pain, but kept me on the edge of despair. I often found myself contemplating leaving this world, desperate for relief from my emotional and physical struggles. Losing my soul mate, the passing of my mother (and now father), bankruptcy though a "toxic" relationship, and losing my home were some of the most challenging times of my life. Everytime I felt I had hot rock bottom, more things happened. I felt hopeless, helpless and could not see a way out.
Then I stumbled upon incredible techniques that engage our conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious minds, which I now share with my clients. These transformative methods helped me break free from what was holding me back—talk about a game changer!
Once I realized that I had the power to create change, everything shifted! I had to face the hard truth that I was my biggest block (bitter pill to swallow right) to the freedom, calm and inner peace I craved, but that realisation sparked a remarkable transformation in my life.
Being brutally honest with myself was the key to overcoming the pain. I refused to let my past define my future. Yes, I had faced tough challenges (lucky to be alive to be completely honest), but I was determined to reclaim my power and break free! You can too, I understand it may feel so far away for you right now, but it is closer than you think.
Now, I feel truly honoured to guide others in realising that healing and change are within reach! A huge spiritual awakening in 2020 put me on the path I am on now. During this time I experienced so many wonderful and magical spiritual experiences, I could never ever doubt the divine again.
The universe showed me it had my back, taking me on an utterly beautiful and magical spiritual journey, and that I was not alone, and that I could change my life (you can too trust me).
Now I feel so honoured and privileged to help and support others through their challenging times and break free from limiting beliefs, behaviours and actions that hinder and hurt them. Turning our pain into power is the pinnacle of alchemy on our soul and earth journey. You can do this too!
You’re in safe hands if you choose to work with me. I'm excited to empower you to live the magical, carefree, and peaceful life you've always dreamed of! What decision will you make? Stay feeling trapped, lost and stuck? Or will you choose to break free and thrive in the next chapter of your life? I think we both know what you want!
Much love on your journey,
Lorraine xx
Lorraine is qualified and certified in:
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Quantum Journeys Hypnosis
- Past Life Regression Therapy
- Rapid Transformational Therapy
- Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentoring